Account-based marketing initiatives see better results when Priority Engine is incorporated into the overall strategy and execution. Sales teams that use Priority Engine for ABM efforts have increased their meeting set rate by as much as 14%, reduced their sales cycle by as much as 50%, and increased revenue per deal by as much as 20%. We spoke with leaders of top-performing sales teams to learn how they use Priority Engine to enhance their ABM strategy and see success. Read on to learn some key takeaways.
There are more people involved in a buying decision than ever before, and oftentimes the primary buyer does not get involved until the very end. IT businesses rely on the research and guidance from the entire buying team, not just traditional decision-maker personas.Priority Engine users that engage the entire buying team see more success breaking into target accounts. By surrounding the account and reaching all members actively researching helps to expand influence. It's important to remember title or persona restricting will result in missing many of the active researchers who are likely involved in the purchase decision. Don’t limit rep outreach to prospects researching ALL topics relevant to your organization - Just because they aren't researching all five relevant topics doesn't mean they aren't interested in your solutions. Pro tip: Assign BDRs to follow up on every prospect that moves into your CRM - Don’t discount the influence of any interaction within the buying team at your target accounts.
Sellers can build relationships and trust faster if the buyer perceives that they truly care about their needs and interests. Use Priority Engine's account-level insights to understand the target company’s firmographics, installed tech stack, what the account is doing on your website and top interests being researched across the account's buying team. Use prospect-level insights to understand the buying team member's most active research and engagement with your organization. It's always a best practice to tailor outreach to the specific prospect before making a call or sending an email. Try providing guidance on their topic interests in the content preference they prefer to assist during their pre-purchase research. This will help you maximize each touch and create a positive perception to better break in.
The most successful ABM efforts allow ample time for sales people to truly build rapport using intent data with their target accounts. For the best possible results, strategically assign each target account to a salesperson and then empower them with resources available to them. Your TechTarget team is here to help enable your sellers. Utilize the resources across Knowledge Base, and encourage reps to use tried and true tips on how to use intent data more effectively. Two great starting points for reps: Priority Engine Sales Playbook and Sales Best Practices articles.Leverage the User Activity Dashboard to understand where sellers are seeing success with Priority Engine or where they are falling short. Getting into a habit of understanding your team's activity is a great way to keep a pulse on how the team is doing. Try creating some healthy competition within your sales organization and run an incentivized contest to increase usage - Reward those with the highest usage scores!Pro tip: Leverage the sales training series for your new sellers or schedule session with your TechTarget Customer Success Representative for ongoing support.
If you have Salesforce as your CRM, we highly encourage increasing synchronicity between Priority Engine and Salesforce by taking advantage of Prospect Match. This feature allows sellers to quickly add new prospects and their data at target account into their Salesforce instance. Using Prospect Match in your day-to-day allows sellers to:
Using Prospect Match for ABM selling will ensure sellers don't miss any key details needed to break in at your target accounts.Check out our article for tips on sellers using prospect match.To learn more sales tips and best practices, read more sales enablement and sales best practice articles here. For additional guidance or questions regarding sales best practices, contact your Customer Success Representative.